2020 Forecast Shows Continued Home Price Appreciation

Questions continue to rise around where home prices will head in 2020. The latest forecast from CoreLogic shows continued appreciation at 5.4% over the next year: Additionally, ARCH Mortgage Insurance Company in their current Housing and Mortgage Market Review revealed their latest ARCH Risk Index, which estimates the probability of home prices being lower in two years. Based on the most recent results, 32…

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Why Home Prices Are Increasing

home prices increasing real estate buying selling a house salem oregon realtor

There are many unsubstantiated theories as to why home values are continuing to increase. From those who are worried that lending standards are again becoming too lenient (data shows this is untrue), to those who are concerned that prices are again approaching boom peaks because of “irrational exuberance” (this is also untrue as prices are not at peak levels when they…

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Buyer Demand Still Outpacing Supply of Homes

Buyer Demand Map Real Estate Salem Oregon Realty Quinn Burke Harvey

The price of any item is determined by the supply of that item, as well as market demand. The National Association of REALTORS(NAR) surveys “over 50,000 real estate practitioners about their expectations for home sales, prices and market conditions” for their monthly REALTORS Confidence Index. Their latest edition sheds some light on the relationship between Seller Traffic (supply) and…

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