Fairview Addition
Salem, Oregon
A Front Porch Community
Salem's new neighborhood is bringing back a classic style in a modern way.
- Front Porches: enhances the aesthetic and community connection
- Garages in the Back: let's face it, garages are not that attractive
- Tree Lined Streets: creates a nice sense of beauty and walkability
- Modern Interiors: beauty on the outside and the inside

A neighborhood where people know each other and interact together
Shared Space
Pocket parks, future amphitheater, treelined sidewalks, and other places to connect with each other
Neighborhood Garden
Fresh produce, community bonding, and sustainable living
Custom or Pre-built
New construction available, or tired of searching for the right home? Custom build instead
Enhanced energy and green features are standard in every home, because the environment matters
Upgraded Finishes
Hardwood floors, granite countertops, and more come standard