What Affects Property Value?

increasing mortgage rates salem oregon real estate harvey realty quinn burke buying a house

Some the features that increase property values are obvious—like a remodeled bathroom, a modern kitchen, or a sought-after neighborhood. But here are a few features and circumstances you have not have realized can affect property values.  1. The neighbors: Not every neighborhood or community has an HOA that can keep the neighbors from going overboard…

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Housing Will Not Fall Victim to Next Economic Storm

salem oregon real estate quinn burke realtor agent

Some experts are calling for a slowdown in the economy later this year and most economists have predicted that the next recession could only be eighteen months away (2020?). The question is, what impact will a recession have on the housing market? Here are the opinions of several experts on the subject: Ivy Zelman in…

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Ideas for Accent Walls

home tips accent walls salem oregon real estate agent realtor quinn burke home buying

An accent wall can totally transform a room, taking it from boring and drab to bold and exciting. Accent walls create a new focal point for your space, add liveliness and contrast, and are typically a very inexpensive DIY project. The starter accent wall You can easily add an accent wall to your room in…

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Which Downpayment Option is Right for You?

downpayment buying a house salem oregon real estate agent realtor quinn burke

You’ve most likely heard the rule: Save for a 20-percent down payment before you buy a home. The logic behind saving 20 percent is solid, as it shows that you have the financial discipline and stability to save for a long-term goal. It also helps you get favorable rates from lenders. But there can actually…

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Top 4 Home Renovations For Max ROI

Some Highlights: Whether you are selling your home, just purchased your first home or are a homeowner planning to stay put for a while, there is value in knowing which home improvement projects will net you the most Return On Investment (ROI). Minor bathroom renovations can go a long way toward improving the quality of your everyday…

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5 Ways Tax Reform Has Impacted the 2018 Housing Market

salem oregon real estate realty quinn burke harvey realtor

Starting late last year, some predicted that the 2018 tax changes would cripple the housing market. Headlines warned of the potential for double-digit price depreciation and suggested that buyer demand could drop like a rock. There was even sentiment that homeownership could lose its coveted status as a major component of the American Dream. Now…

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How Big of a Home do You Need

home buying, salem oregon, real estate, realtor, quinn burke, harvey realty group

How Big of a Home Do You Need? When buying a new house, it’s easy to get distracted by size and think that bigger is better. However, depending on your situation, the opposite may be true. So how can you determine if your new home is too small, too big, or “just right?” You’ll want…

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5 Simple Steps for a Better Home Appraisal

salem oregon real estate realtor home buying harvey realty group quinn burke

If you’re looking to refinance your home or possibly sell, you’ll need a killer appraisal. A bank will not refinance a home for more than it is worth, and a potential buyer will not pay more than the recognized value of the home. Here are 5 simple steps for a better home appraisal. Tidy your…

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Why Home Prices Are Increasing

home prices increasing real estate buying selling a house salem oregon realtor

There are many unsubstantiated theories as to why home values are continuing to increase. From those who are worried that lending standards are again becoming too lenient (data shows this is untrue), to those who are concerned that prices are again approaching boom peaks because of “irrational exuberance” (this is also untrue as prices are not at peak levels when they…

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New Study Shows Best States for Millennials

best states for millennials home buying purchase real estate salem oregon

A new study by WalletHub used “30 key metrics, ranging from share of millennials to millennial unemployment rate to millennial voter-turnout rate” to find out which states are the ‘Best States for Millennials.’ The Top 5 Best States for Millennials are: Washington, D.C. (also ranks highest in percentage of millennials already living there!) North Dakota (lowest unemployment rate) Minnesota (highest millennial homeownership rate) Massachusetts (highest percentage…

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