Will Your Side Hustle Help Buy You a House This Year?

side hustle to save money for house downpayment real estate salem oregon quinn burke

Contrary to some opinions, millennials tend to be very resourceful and not afraid to work hard. It’s not uncommon to hear of them having two jobs or a full-time job with a side business. I’m a millennial myself – born in 1982 I’m an original millennial – and I have had a side “hustle” for…

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Why Has Housing Supply Increased as Sales Have Slowed Down?

According to the latest Existing Home Sales Report from the National Association of Realtors (NAR), the inventory of homes for sale this year compared to last year has increased for the last four months, all while sales of existing homes have slowed compared to last year’s numbers. For over three years leading up to this point, the exact opposite…

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5 Tips When Buying a Newly Constructed Home

The lack of existing inventory for sale has forced many homebuyers to begin looking at new construction. When you buy a newly constructed home instead of an existing home, there are many extra steps that must take place. To ensure a hassle-free process, here are 5 tips to keep in mind if you are considering…

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5 Tips for Starting Your Home Search

salem oregon real estate quinn burke harvey realty group home buying tips

In today’s real estate market, with low inventory dominating the conversation in many areas of the country, it can often be frustrating to be a first-time homebuyer if you aren’t prepared. In a recent realtor.com article entitled, “How to Find Your Dream Home—Without Losing Your Mind,” the author highlights some steps that first-time homebuyers can take to help carry their…

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5 Things That Make Us Happy With Our Homes

According to a recent survey conducted by houzz.com, here are five things that consistently make people happy with their homes. 1. Big windows and comfortable furniture: Nearly 75 percent of respondents listed these two items as major difference-makers. It’s a no-brainer—people like lots of light and a good place to relax. 2. A big-screen TV:…

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Negotiation is a subtle art in real estate, but skilled negotiators can usually find some common ground that satisfies all parties. On the other hand, using the wrong negotiation tactics can sink a deal pretty quickly. Here are some negotiation tactics buyers (and real estate professionals) should avoid: Lowball offers:Going far below market value when…

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Is the Real Estate Market Finally Getting Back to Normal

Salem Oregon Real Estate Agent Realtor Quinn Burke Harvey Realty Group

The housing market has been anything but normal for the last eleven years. In a normal real estate market, home prices appreciate 3.7% annually. Below, however, are the price swings since 2007 according to the latest Home Price Expectation Survey: After the bubble burst in June 2007, values depreciated 6.1% annually until February 2012. From March 2012 to…

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home trends, real estate, home buying, salem oregon, quinn burke, agent, harvey realty group

Ready to mix up your home décor this year? Here are the top five hottest trends homeowners are loving right now! Industrial stylings. From pullies to Edison bulbs to vintage furniture to bare concrete installations, industrial pieces are a favorite among homeowners. Whether they are mixed in among modern décor or used as the theme of…

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buyers agent salem oregon quinn burke real estate harvey realty group

The home buying process can be exciting and fun, but also complicated, stressful, and overwhelming. Maximize your chance of success and minimize the amount of time spent trying to keep track of all the details by working with a buyer’s agent. There is a plethora of benefits to using a buyer’s agent, and here are…

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Thinking of Selling Your Home? Competition is Coming!

Salem oregon real estate agent realtor

The number of building permits issued for single-family homes is the best indicator of how many newly built homes will rise over the next few months. According to the latest U.S. Census Bureau and U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development Residential Sales Report, the number of building permits issued in June was 850,000, a 0.8% increase from May. How will…

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